The Top menu provides access to the sequence browser and to other interfaces through which the fasta manager tasks can be executed. This allows the user to process and analyze all the sequences included in one or multiple fasta files simultaneously without the need of open the files separately.
[ Directory → Select directory folder ]:
to select the root folder shown in the Directory Browser.[ Directory → Show ]
: view the Directory Browser.[ Directory → Hide ]:
hide the Directory Browser.TOP MENU: FILE
[ File → New ]:
To create a new nucleotide or protein sequence file.[ File → Open file ]
: To open a sequence file.[ File → Save ]
: To save current active file.[ File → Save as ]
: To save the current active file as new file.[ File → Save All ]
: To save all opened file in SeqEditor.[ File → Close ]
: To close the current active file.[ File → Save All ]
: To close all opened file in SeqEditor.TOP MENU: SEQUENCES
[ Sequences → Orientation and geometry ]
[ Orientation and geometry → change seq orientation in fasta files ]:
Changes the orientation of the sequences in one or more fasta files by selecting Reverse, Complement or Reverse complement option.[ Orientation and geometry → change seq geometry in fasta files ]
: Changes the geometry of the sequences in one or more fasta files by selecting either DNA or RNA.[ Filter and sort → Filter sequences in fasta files ]:
Filters sequences in fasta files using search terms provided in either a list of terms or a CSV file, selecting a matching criterion: Exact match, Partial match or Regular expression.
[ Filter and sort → Sort sequences in fasta files ]
: Sorts sequences in fasta files using either an alphanumeric criterion or in a forced manner by giving search terms contained in a CSV file.
[ Sequences → Split sequences ]
:To split sequences of a given file according to different criteria.
[ Sequences → Remove/mask sequences ]
:Removes or masks sequences having a certain percentage of a specific nucleotide or motif.
[ ORFs → Find ORFs in fasta files ]:
Simultaneously searches and finds ORFs in one or more fasta files with multiple sequences.[ ORFs → Translate nucleotide sequences in fasta files to proteins ]:
Simultaneously translates to proteins all sequences contained in the fasta files.TOP MENU: MOTIFS
[ Motifs → Sequence motifs in fasta files ]:
Simultaneously searches and finds sequence motifs in all the sequences contained in the fasta files.TOP MENU: STATISTICS
[ Statistics → Infer sequence sizes in fasta files ]:
Simultaneously infers the size of all sequences contained in the selected fasta files.[ Statistics → Infer overall metrics in nucleotide fasta files ]:
Registers a given set of metrics from the sequences contained in the fasta files, namely the number of sequences as well as the size of the largest and shortest sequence, N50 and L50 using a Java implementation of the Assemblathon Stats script (Bradnam 2011). This option is only available for nucleotide sequences. HELP:
[ Help → Manual ]:
A link to this manual.[ Help → About SeqEditor ]:
Other technical details and copyrigth of SeqEditor.BROWSER MENU : Sequences
[ Sequences → Add New sequence ]:
To create a new nucleotide/protein sequence.[ Sequences → Delete selected sequence ]:
To selected sequences in the sequence browser.[ Sequences → Prints ]
: To print the browsed sequence.[ Sequences → sort ]
: Sorts options for multi-sequence files (only available when uploading a multi sequence file).[ Sequences → rename ]:
Allows the renaming of a selected sequence name[ Sequences → Search and Filter ]
: Allows for the searching and filtering the sequences contained in the input file.[ Sequences → Statistics ]
: Displays the overall metrics of the sequences contained in the selected fasta file as shown in Figure 11BROWSER MENU : EDIT
[ Edit → Undo ]:
To undo a edit made on the sequence.[ Edit → Redo ]
: To redo a edit made on the sequence.[ Edit → Cut ]
: To cut a sequence from the sequence browser.[ Edit → Copy ]:
To copy a sequence from the sequence browser.[ Edit → Paste ]
: To paste a sequence in the sequence browser.[ Edit → Locked ]
: To lock/unlock the sequence if you want to make edits on it.BROWSER MENU : GEOMETRY
[ Geometry ]:
It allows the change from DNA to RNA and vice versa, as well as the view of the sequence as a single or double strandBROWSER MENU : ORIENTATION
[ Orientation ]:
Switches the sequence orientation as 1) reverse, 2) complementary or 3) reverse-complementary.BROWSER MENU : TRANSLATE
[ Translate ]:
Translates nucleotide sequences into proteins by selecting the desired frame(s) – on the forward or reverse strand starting from the +1, +2 or +3 nucleotide positions. Either the standard genetic code or a custom one can be selected for reference. The translate tool can open Gene Runner’s translation table format (.trt files) as well as a native plain text format files (.txt), which can be created in any text editor of choice. Please note that in these files, lines that start with the hash symbol (“#”) are interpreted as comments and thus will be ignored (with the one exception of the first line that will hold the code’s name. However, this line is not mandatory). Each following line is composed of a codon (RNA and DNA are allowed), a hyphen and a ‘greater than’ symbol (“>”) followed by the correspondent amino acid symbol according to the 1-letter IUPAC code.BROWSER MENU : FIND ORFs
[ Find ORFs ]:
Searches and retrieves ORFs contained both the forward and the reverse strands by specifying a minimum ORF length. BROWSER MENU : FIND MOTIFs
[ Find Motifs ]:
This option performs searches for a specific protein or nucleotide motif (binding sited, restriction sites, etc.). Once the search is completed, results will be shown in the summary browser. You are also allowed to search for multiple motifs as single occurrences or as clusters of motifs by accessing the “Multiple Motif Editor” located in the “Find motif” interface. BROWSER MENU : Primers:
SeqEditor implements a set of three tools for singleplex, multiplex PCR primer design and primer pooling powered by an interface adaptation of two CLI tools: Primer3 (Untergasser et al. 2012) and PrimerPooler (Untergasser et al. 2012). This tool also incorporated a newly optimized search process that is based on two algorithms for multiplex and target-specific primer design (Hafez et al. 2020). These three tools (designated as SinglePlexPCR, MultiPlexPCR and PrimerPooler respectively) are organized in three separate interactive interfaces that are accessible through the “Primers” tab of the browser menu.[ SinglePlex Primers ]:
Searches for primers for the amplification of one or more sequences. This option can be run in two modes:
Batch run mode:
searches for primers suitable for all sequences contained in a given file
Single run mode:
searches for primers that are suitable for a given sequence that has been opened only
[ MultiPlex Primers ]:
It allows the search of MultiPlex and species-specific primers for multiple target sequences using different settings[ PrimerPooler ]:
Optimizes the multiplex PCR input by dividing the primers into different pools. BROWSER MENU: Annotation
SeqEditor supports the analysis of genomes and transcriptomes that have a reference annotation file (GTF/GFF). Thus, we have incorporated a GTF/GFF viewer that reads the reference annotation file allowing the users to search, filter, and extract sequence features (such as chromosomes, genes, exons or introns) contained in the assembly file using the annotation as a reference.[ Open Annotation File ]:
Opens and attaches the annotation file (GTF/GFF) to the previously opened fasta file.[ View/Hide ]:
Views/hides the annotation viewer.[ Close Annotation Set ]:
Closes/saves the opened annotation file.