Each task or pipeline job that is submitted to the server will be recorded in the Job tracking system that is a submission history view (Fig.27) where the user can see the status of the job as well as other log and track information. To track the job from the main menu, select [ Pipeline Job → Submission History ]. The new interface will be divided into three windows:

  1. The top window shows all job/pipeline records submitted to the server.
  2. The middle windows shows all track information for the selected job record.
  3. The buttom windows shows the log file (stdout and stderr) for the executing jobs.

Figure 27

Figure 27: Job tracking interface of RNASeq.

The historical is periodically updated. By right clicking with the mouse on the history records the users can do the following:

In case of a job failure, an error and warning messages will be added to the Track events. Other possible errors generated by different jobs will also be highlighted in red in the Log File

To track or view the status of a job, select “Pipelines Job→Submission History” from the main menu

GPRO licensing and Usage           Former versions           TSI-100903-2019-11


Valencia Lab
Parc Cientific Universitat de Valencia
Carrer del Catedràtic Agustín Escardino, 9. 46980 Paterna (Valencia) Spain
Madrid Lab
Parque Científico de Madrid
Campus de Cantoblanco
Calle Faraday 7, 28049 Madrid Spain
Contact us
Phone: +34 960 06 74 93
Email: biotechvana@biotechvana.com

Supported by

Hipra Scientific S.L.U, Polypeptide Therapeutic Solutions S.L., Biotechvana S.L. and Nostrum Biodiscovery constitute the consortium of enterprises participating in the project "Research of a new vaccine for a human respiratory disease", granted by the CDTI (Center for Industrial Technological Development), and supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU. The main objective of this project is to design a safe immunogenic and effective vaccine against the respiratory syncytial virus.

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