This work was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 642095 for the OPATHY consortium, by the pre-doctoral research fellowship from Industrial Doctorates of MINECO (Grant 659 DI-17-09134); by the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017-2020 under the Grant TSI-100903-2019-11 from the Secretary of State for Digital Advancement from Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Spain; and by Expedient IDI-2021-158274-a from Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain


GPRO licensing and Usage           Former versions           TSI-100903-2019-11


Valencia Lab
Parc Cientific Universitat de Valencia
Carrer del Catedràtic Agustín Escardino, 9. 46980 Paterna (Valencia) Spain
Madrid Lab
Parque Científico de Madrid
Campus de Cantoblanco
Calle Faraday 7, 28049 Madrid Spain
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Phone: +34 960 06 74 93

Supported by

Hipra Scientific S.L.U, Polypeptide Therapeutic Solutions S.L., Biotechvana S.L. and Nostrum Biodiscovery constitute the consortium of enterprises participating in the project "Research of a new vaccine for a human respiratory disease", granted by the CDTI (Center for Industrial Technological Development), and supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU. The main objective of this project is to design a safe immunogenic and effective vaccine against the respiratory syncytial virus.

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